Toxic cloud of tar sands waste travels from Detroit to Canada
August 02, 2013
A dust cloud (petco) which flew over Detroit and into Windsor this week was found to carry elevated traces of lead, sulfur, zinc and vanadium, which is possibly cancer-causing in humans in prolonged or elevated exposure, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a France-based organization.
Support Los Angeles Anti-Fracking Bill
October 29, 2013
If you do not want fracking in the city of Los Angeles you must contact Mr. Fuentes, who heads up the energy and environmental division of the LA City Council. He makes recommendation to the council and presently has the Koretz/Bonin Bill before him which bans fracking in the city of Los Angeles.
If you want to stop fracking in LA, tell Mr. Fuentes to please pass the Koretz/Bonin Bill which bans fracking in Los Angeles.
Please call or email him: 213 473-7007 / ref: la times on Koretz and Bonin Bill